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03 December 2024

The Circle Community learns from neuroscience and sport

At the first of three business events organised by The Circle Community in partnership with Weltklasse Zürich, attendees learned how to play the mental game in their everyday thinking as a way of positively impacting on their mindset and motivation.

“Mental Game – Power and Positivity under Pressure” proved to be a popular event, bringing together over 170 people from The Circle, Zurich Airport, the FRZ Zurich Airport Region business network and the Weltklasse Zürich community at The Circle Convention Center. It was clear to see how engaged the audience was and how practical the presentation by Prof. Lutz Jäncke was by the number of people scribbling down notes and taking photos of the slides. But it wasn’t just the Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychology at the University of Zurich that captured the audience’s attention. Ditaji Kambundi, the Swiss record holder for the 100-metre hurdles and two-time medallist at the European Championships, gave everyone plenty of food for thought too. There was a focus on the body – and peak physical performance – but also on the mind. Together with Christoph Joho, Co-Meeting Director at Weltklasse Zürich, she explored the mental games required during training, before and after competitions and when dealing with defeat.

Read the entire article in German.

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