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23 November 2023

Zauberpark 2023: Magic moments at the Circle Park

On 23 November 23, the third edition of the Zauberpark starts. During 18 days, the winter festival transforms the Circle Park into a world of music, light and culinary delights.

Every evening, well-known musicians from Switzerland and abroad take to the stage, including Bligg, Tim Bendzko, Stefanie Heinzmann and Zoe Wees. The children's programme takes place in the early evening hours before the music acts, with performances by children's songwriter Linard Bardill, storyteller Tante Carmen and the Silberbüx detective gang. Art enthusiasts await twelve light installations by artists from all over Europe that are placed along a circular route. From this year on, the so-called Acoustic Sunday is now taking place on the first two Sundays of the festival. This offer is particularly suitable for those who want to dedicate their visit primarily to light art and end the evening in a cosy atmosphere in the Genussdorf.

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