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08 July 2024

A look behind scenes of The Circle for new employees and visitors

Perfect views: New employees in the Circle and at the airport get these every month on the Welcome Tour through the impressive building complex.

For example, during a stop on the roof with a view over the entire airport to the runways. There is also a sign of the building's sustainability on that roof: the impressive photovoltaic system. The building has won two awards. It is not only the largest Minergie building, but also the one with the most points in Switzerland and has also been awarded the LEED Platinum sustainability certificate.

The view also gives the new employees a taste of what they can expect during their employment at The Circle: Working in a business hub with optimal accessibility and a wide range of services, from hairdressers to comprehensive medical services in the university hospital branch.

Networking from day 1

The participants mood is relaxed on this Thursday. They follow the guide attentively, who is clearly enthusiastic about the Circle himself. In this one-hour tour they not only learn more about how piles of letters and parcels find their way to their recipients every day in The Circle's own post office. Practical things are also on the programme. For example, the modern cloakrooms for employees, the Chreis 14 staff restaurant (although there are 12 other catering options), the Kieser training centre and the Globegarden daycare centre. They all make the Circle the workplace of choice, which can be perfectly combined with family life and personal sports training.

For Yannick Tanner, who is responsible for the Welcome Tour at The Circle, there is something else in focus: "We give new employees at The Circle and at the airport the opportunity to network with people from other companies from day one with the Welcome Tour, but also with the invitation to the Circle sports programme and to our leisure and business events. We get a lot of feedback that this is very much appreciated."

After just over an hour, the new arrivals bring their tour of their new workplace to a cosy close in Leon's Loft. On this balmy early summer evening, they discuss their hopes for their new jobs over drinks and canapés and resolve to discover and utilise the wide range of services on offer at the Circle even more.

Circle tours for visitors too

It's not just new Circle and airport employees who can take a look behind the scenes: You can also conveniently register for one of the regular guided tours on the Zurich Airport website. Groups also have the option of enjoying a meal afterwards in one of The Circle's many restaurants and reflecting on what they have seen.

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