Welcome to the Circle

A host of top businesses are located at the Circle. Its iconic architecture and unique location make it the perfect place for ideas to be sparked and take flight. Functioning as a round table for professionals, it provides the perfect environment for collaborative growth. The Circle offers a cosmopolitan atmosphere where inquisitive minds converge and inspire one another.

Attractive workplace and business hub

The Circle brings together people, ideas and businesses in a unique environment. The modern and varied infrastructure provides the setting at Zurich Airport.

The Circle is home to...

  • 80,000 m2 of state-of-the art office space
  • A motivating and inspiring place to work
  • A wide mix of uses promoting synergies under one roof
  • A park spanning 80,000 m2 for relaxing and wandering
  • Excellent national and international transport links


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Unique location

With its unique architecture and modern infrastructure, the Circle has excellent transport links to Zurich city centre and the surrounding area. It is the best-connected location in Switzerland.

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